ABSENCE Chae Jae Hwan & Yoo Ji Soo DATES Du 04/03 au 04/04 PETIT MOT Je suis en formation intensive depuis quelques mois et j'oublie sans cesse de poster mon absence. Je sauverai Jisoo ce mois-ci mais au moins, comme ça, je n'oublie pas cette fois Je passerai la renouveler.
<w>ME'OW</w> du <strong>04/03</strong> au <strong>04/04</strong> @"Chae Jae Hwan" @"Yoo Ji Soo"...
After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁
@Yoo Ji Soo Hello you Comment se passe ta formation ? Tu t'en sors ?
What You Wanted
After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁