After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁
Hoang Ruby
❝ LEGENDARY ♡ baronne des sucres d'orge
Pseudo : Flutty ♡ Elle Célébrité : Hanni (NewJeans) Crédits : To. MIEUN ♡ DE ♡ PAIN (sohaline) Messages : 346 Âge : 20
I've made your misery my goal ♛ I see it fades, our light it's all gone. How it all began, if truth be told, had a master plan. Now I rule the world. Took 'em by surprise, worked my way up hill
ça choque toujours mvdd que sa vdd n'ait pas de signature
What You Wanted
After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁
I've made your misery my goal ♛ I see it fades, our light it's all gone. How it all began, if truth be told, had a master plan. Now I rule the world. Took 'em by surprise, worked my way up hill
ça me fait bien rire, mvdd, parce que t'avais vraiment dit exactement la même chose sur la page d'avant
What You Wanted
After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁
I've made your misery my goal ♛ I see it fades, our light it's all gone. How it all began, if truth be told, had a master plan. Now I rule the world. Took 'em by surprise, worked my way up hill
After this night when everything held its breath. I follow the sound of someone calling me. The second I open my eyes, it's farther away. It's like you're fleeing from me again. You and I, the moment we meet again... Can you tell me what you wanted ? ❁