ABSENCE Yang Yulian DATES Du 22/06 au 22/07. PETIT MOT Je reçois bebou à la maison puis j'me paie le luxe d'écouter mon brain qui me réclame une pause rp
<w>P'tit Biscuit</w> du <strong>22/06</strong> au <strong>22/07</strong> @"Yang Yulian"
I know where you hide, alone in your car. Know all of the things that make you who you are. I know that goodbye means nothing at all. Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls.
j'espère que vous avez bien profité hihi j'archive
♡ i just love him; and it doesn't matter that sometimes our worlds are colored different hues. because when the colors blend together, it's the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.